What we do?

At ExternsClub, we strive to provide Quality Education that is a prerequisite as the candidates make their way into the Corporate Kingdoms. We aspire to effectuate an educational environment around the students that would prompt Character building and the necessary life-building assimilation of ideas as the means by which something remarkable can be achieved.

We seek to take the job seekers through a deep understanding of the domains through content-rich curriculums integrating real-world context and skill development preparing them to master the fundamentals of being an ideal employee. Forging more substantial connections with the Industrial experts in their craft to ensure a skill that materializes going beyond memorizing

The aim is to focus on the ability and flexibility of the candidates to work in a variety of settings by being integrated with the top industrialists to provide an opportunity to solve engineering and scientific problems.

With the involvement in undergraduate mentorship, we try to build talent pipelines and provide access to the companies to hire the best and most trained candidates for their job postings.


To impart value-based world-class education and contribute to society through excellence in areas of engineering, technology, and management


Upskilling people with the in-demand skills to meet the Hiring requirements of the Industry.


Provide quality education and convert the learners of today to the leaders of tomorrow