Frequently Asked Questions

When should I complete my pending payment?

  • Once you have completed the registration process, within the next 48 hours you will be receiving a call from the Operations team who would be guiding you through the further steps you will have to follow and would also mention the final date by when you could complete the pending amount such that you do not miss out on he batch allocation.
    NOTE: Pending dues need to be cleared for the Classes to start and for you to receive the full access to the training.

Can this Internship be added as work experience?

  • Yes of course! Some of our packages include a CV workshop session in which you’ll be shown how to add to and upgrade your CV to the highest standard, including the skills you develop and experience you’ll gain with your host company. You’ll also receive a certificate upon completion of your internship and a reference from your host company.

Will I get a Certificate after completing the Internship?

  • Yes!! All candidates who successfully complete the full program will be eligible to be the recipient of the following certifications which can later be added to furninh your resumes/ CVs.
    - Course Completion Certificate
    - Internship Completion Certifictae
    - Certificate of Appreciation (For thoise candidates who dispaly an outstanding performance during the program)

Can i cancel my Internship after registration?

  • No. Cancellation of the Internship program once registered for will not be entertained by the company. But if in case you want to opt-out of the program you can refer a friend who is interested to join the program and the account will be transferred to the friend who would have to complete the pending amount for themselves.

Are there any softwares that would be required for me to download before I start the Internship?

  • Once your training period starts, the mentor who has been assigned will be informing you of the specific requirements for the successful completion of the Internship.

Will I be having any help during the Project period? Who do I need to approach if I am facing any issues during the Internship?

  • Yes. Any doubts that you develop relating to the course will be directed to your mentor and you are free to ask these doubts during the sessions itself such that you are able to clear your doubts live with the mentor.

What are the benefits of doing a Virtual Internship?

  • Experience – it can be difficult to find a job in your preferred field of work without previous experience. A virtual internship allows you to gain experience while also helping you to improve workplace skills such as communication, organisation, and time management. These are important and necessary skills to have in any line of work and will help you in your future career.
    No Geographical Limitations – when partaking in a virtual internship, the opportunities are endless. You can work anywhere in the world from the comfort of your own home. There’s no longer the stress of moving, applying for visas or changing your life around for your job.
    Networking – virtual internships are a great way to meet new people and gain contacts that may benefit you in your future career. Communication is key when working remotely and building relationships with your colleagues virtually will improve your virtual internship experience greatly.
    Technology – the number one requirement of a virtual internship is technology! You must have a laptop/computer and a good WiFi connection. Once you have started your internship you will be exposed to new technology and learn how to use various software and applications while working from home. Some of these may include G Suite, Microsoft Office, CRM systems, Google Analytics and much more.